This year’s Sunsuper Riverfire presented coverage challenges as severe storms swept across Brisbane before, during and after the event, affecting flight schedules, and even flight paths that had been previously set in stone. I’d managed to gain access for both myself and one of the Royal Australian Air Force 28SQN photographers on the 39th floor of an Eagle Street high-rise with open balconies in all directions. It was from there that we conducted the majority of our aviation photography for the event.
Included in the displays were a 36SQN C-17 Globemaster and two of the 6SQN EA-18G Growlers from Amberley Air Force Base, andĀ four of the Pilatus PC-9/A RAAF Roulettes flown up from Sale, Victoria. We’d planned to do video of the final pass of two EA-18G Growlers passing the Story Bridge at low level, however they changed the flight path to climb before reaching the city due to storm related delays.
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