It’s a common misconception that aviation photographers will fly and photograph ‘just for the ride’, and that anyone with a camera (or even a smart-phone) can produce images that are usable for advertising or publishing. Why pay?
We at Aerial Pro, aren’t just snappers, but dedicated professionals. Personally I have a few thousand hours of actual flying, with more formation time than most aircrew. I not only bring professional SLR’s to the shoot, but a wealth of experience of actual flying (even formation at night, IFR and extreme low level), photo backseating with various civilian aerobatic and warbird pilots, and military display teams, and GA pilots. We have an ‘eye’ for what looks best, and can help plan the sortie so that the look is achieved. Saving money by getting a friend to shoot it for free, actually wastes your time, money and fuel. You don’t hire a Taxi driver to race your multi-million dollar Formula 1 car. If you want the best possible images, with the least possible risks, the smart choice is to book AerialPro for professional, safe, technically on point and artistic work. Contact us now.
- Mike Jorgensen
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